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文章发布: 发表时间: 2017-06-15 10:20:19

Dust bag is a bag type dust collector in the heart, commonly known as dust bag or dust bag, dust bag bag filter is a key operation in the process of some common vertical cylinder type filter bag dust hung in.
The main items of processing dust bags are as follows:
1. 除尘布袋裁剪时,用电烙铁烫裁为最好(用1500W电烙铁),可防止经纬线松懈。缝纫用线必须用功能一样之线。
1., dust bag cutting, the use of electric iron cutting for the best (using 1500W electric iron), can prevent the longitude and latitude line relaxation. Sewing threads must use lines of the same function.
2. dust bag, polypropylene fiber, polyester vinylon was identified by the relevant departments of health, food, pharmaceutical and other occupation for no side effects on human health.
3. 食物,制药工业运用除尘布袋前应用温水冲洗,以免布面污物带入。冲洗(浓度视情况而定)即可使布身变软,康复滤布的疏水性和透气性,进步滤布运用率。
3. food, pharmaceutical industry use dust bag before applying warm water rinse, so as not to bring cloth cloth dirt. Washing (depending on the concentration) can make the fabric soft, the hydrophobic and permeability of the filter cloth, and improve the utilization rate of the filter cloth.
4. 可出产特别标准的商品。 如布料幅宽可增减,除尘布袋的直径巨细能够恣意选定,但请前半至1个月通知,以便商品能够方案出产。
4. can produce special standard goods. If the fabric width can be increased or decreased, the size and size of the dust bag can be arbitrarily chosen, but please inform the first half to 1 months so that the goods can be produced.
5. 除尘布袋运用后,若因渣滓堵塞布孔、使布身发硬影响过滤速度,可根据各种纤维功能选用丙酮、草酸、甲苯、烧碱、酒精等溶液浸泡.
5., after the use of dust cloth bag, if the plug because of debris, cloth holes, so that the cloth body hard to affect the filtration rate, can be selected according to various fiber functions, acetone, oxalic acid, toluene, caustic soda, alcohol and other solutions soaked



了解更多详情,请搜索:烤漆房,喷塑烤房,环保除尘设备 济南华誉涂装设备有限公司 http://www.huayutuzhuang.com/ 欢迎您的光临!