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文章发布: 发表时间: 2017-06-08 10:32:25

在环保除尘设备除尘的过程中,当含尘气体颗粒通过环保除尘设备的时分,粉尘颗粒就会被捕集在滤袋的外外表上,而洁净气体则通过滤料进入到滤袋的内部。环保除尘设备 http://www.huayutuzhuang.com/ 布袋内部的除尘笼架用来支持滤袋,避免滤袋陷落,另外它也有助于尘饼的清除以及从头散布。关于一些特别的工况环境来说,对除尘布袋进行后处理是很主要的。通常常规分为以下几种:
In the process of environmental protection equipment dust, when the gas containing dust particles by time dust environmental protection equipment, dust particles trapped in the outer appearance will bag, and clean gas through the filter into the inside of the bag. Environmental protection dust removal equipment. The dust collecting cage inside the cloth bag is used to support the filter bag and prevent the filter bag from falling. Besides, it also helps to clean the dust cake and spread it from the ground. As for some special working conditions, it is very important to carry on the aftertreatment of dust bags. Usually, the following are usually divided into the following:
1、 烧压处理
1 、 burning pressure treatment
This treatment is mainly used to fire walking quickly fabric appearance, floss burning, and then the fabric appearance by high temperature ironing roller, so that the fabric surface is smooth, easy cleaning. In so doing, it not only improves the function of cleaning the filter material, but also satisfies the collection of fine dust.

2 、 antistatic treatment
Some of the dust in the specified concentration of state, encountered sparks will be very simple, attack, incineration. Therefore, flammable or explosive dust must be selected by antistatic treatment of needle felt filter materials. Antistatic filter material is mixed with conductive fiber yarn to strip or fabric woven with a conductive function in the filter fiber, so that all the filter having a conductive function during the use of the electrostatic precipitator and guide through the filter box on the ground, to avoid electrostatic spark caused by explosion incidents.
3 、 waterproof and anti oil treatment
Choice is the handling of the fluorocarbon resin and PTFE impregnation on the needle felt, the bag has the appearance of hydrophobic beads, lotus leaf can constitute rolling effect on fabric appearance, easier to collect the dust, to avoid and reduce the temperature differences due to condensation and corrosion attack paste bag bag phenomenon.
4, easy to clean ash treatment
Usually mirror treatment, and perhaps the surface is needled with a fine fiber surface on the fabric surface. Yes, the fabric has excellent soot cleaning properties and can operate over a long period of time at higher filtration speeds.
5, PTFE film treatment
If the particle size of dust is less than 1 microns, or dust may have great adhesion, or when the humidity of the gas is large, the ordinary filter material can not be effectively filtered. With PTFE as the material of film coated filter material, not only the filtering accuracy is very high, and the appearance of lubrication, will not adhere to dust, simple ash cleaning, at the same time, dust will not penetrate into the interior of the filter.
6 、 heat setting treatment
In addition to the late processing of dust bags, dust collection bags should also be thermally shaped. The purpose of heat setting is to eliminate the residual stress during the processing of the bag, and to make the filter bag stable in size and smooth in appearance. If environmental protection equipment bag is not stable, then the filter bag in the use of the process is very simple episodes of deformation, so it will increase conflict with the keel of the bag, the bag in the keel will be very hard to find, it will cause severe dust attack phenomenon.